Tuesday, March 24, 2009

First day of Spring

On Saturday, March 20, Fuzzy Lops and their friends came to Hanford, CA for a nice show.

In show A, Rachelle T won with her gorgeous juniors. BOB was a broken junior buck and BOSB was his sister, a broken junior doe.

In show B, Mary and Jenny H won BOB and BOSB. Its a good time when friends can split the wins!

Congratulations to both of you.
Adorable drawing provided by Mary and Jenny. Courtesy of www.laurinfamous.com/bun

Monday, March 2, 2009

A little sunshine

In case you are snowed in or drenched in rain or just about fed up with winter, here's a bit of sunshine for you!
Also a reminder: submissions for Fuzzy Tales, the AFLRC newsletter are due now. Get those articles, photos and advertisements in to the editor. Contact me if you have questions.