Saturday, January 2, 2010

An American (Fuzzy Lop) in Japan

The first week in December Melissa Magee and I were invited to judge rabbits by the Nippon Rabbit Club. What an amazing experience! For me, it was even more special because of the gorgeous Fuzzies we found there. There were two shows that weekend; the first one held in Kobe and then a show the next day in Nagoya.

This handsome broken tort buck was selected Reserve in Show by Melissa and Best in Show by me on Sunday, December 6 in Nagoya.

At the show in Kobe, Yumiko won Best Opposite Sex of Breed with her sable point buck.

Best of Breed at the Kobe show was owned by Hiro, shown here working with Melissa for his registrar's license.

The Best of Breed Fuzzy poses with me since Hiro is busy and she is a black doe with a lovely head.
Congratulations to the winners and thank you so much for such a fantastic trip.