Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Colorado is Cool!

First off, sorry I didn't get blow by blow reports on the blog during the weekend.  I carried my computer to Colorado but either didn't have an internet connection when I had time to blog or no time when I had a connection.  So here is the "late report" of the AFLRC National show.

The show was held in the state fair grounds and the picture above is the show room.  The building had a dirt floor so there was plenty of dust for the weekend!  But that was more than made up for by the huge amount of space and the wonderful coops permanently installed in the building.

Muriel K, Paula G, and Lisa B were busy on Friday setting up the coops with cards and checking in exhibitors.  I arrived late afternoon and nearly everyone else was checking in about that time too.  

Rob G had "airport duty" to pick up the judges and it turned out to be quite a chore.  He was to meet Allen M from California, Kevin S from Arizona and Josh U from South Dakota.  All were to arrive relatively close in time so it would be a simple thing to pick them up and deliver them to the hotel for a good night's sleep.  HA!  Best laid plans and all of that.  The weather chose to interfere and Josh never got out of SD.  A foot of fresh snow stopped air travel in his area.  He felt terrible, but Muriel talked him through how to get the airlines to let him save the ticket; he'll fly in to judge some other time.  We all just hoped he made in home from the airport in the terrible weather.

Of course, there were a few moments of panic since Josh was slated to be the open judge for Nationals but your AFLRC officers are flexible, spontaneous and creative under pressure (or was that crumbling under pressure?).  We decided that Allen M would judge open Fuzzies; he knows just a "bit" about the breed since he raised AFL for years and won BOB at 2 ARBA Conventions!  Then Kevin S would judge youth Fuzzies.  Whew....problem solved.

Continued tomorrow...