Saturday, July 25, 2009

You know its a good day when....

Its a good day when the temperature is mild and you are at a rabbit show with friends.  Its a good day when your daughter wants to show rabbits with you again, like the "old days".  Its a good day when you get to judge Angoras, Dutch, Havanas and a bunch of other "favorites".  But is a really really good day, when your rabbit wins Reserve Best in Show.

Carol G and her Fuzzy Buck, AK's Riley with the BIS winner Melissa M with a mini satin.  

Then when you think it can't get better, your Fuzzy Lop doe wins Best in Show in the second show of the day!  Carol G with AK's Vane.  

Top it off with a report from a youth exhibitor that she won Best in Show at a northern Calfornia fair with AK's Juicy, and that is about as good as it can get for a rabbit exhibitor/breeder.  

Well get a good night's sleep and get up tomorrow to groom, clean, and smile at those pretty bunnies!