Sunday, October 23, 2011

A good week..a very good week

In our hobby, we can go weeks and months (OK, let’s be totally honest--years) without a big win.  But every time we get a little discouraged, we see the face of a 4-week old kit, or we talk to a friend who is excited about their Fuzzies, and we are ready to go again.  Still nothing can jazz up our enthusiasm for American Fuzzy Lops like doing well at a show.

Last weekend, things went well, very well for me.  I won Best of Breed in the two shows with a solid sable point buck.  I thought he was looking very good, but took him to the Best in Show table with no expectations.


Judge Randy S examines the AFL during Best in Show A judging.

BIS DD (2)

Betty and her English Angora doe, selected Best in show by Judge Kevin S, and me with my buck.  My buck was Reserve Best in Show for both shows that day!

Yesterday, I headed to another show, the last show before the ARBA Convention in Indianapolis.  I packed up a different group of Fuzzies this time, to make sure all the rabbits had time to rest before traveling to Convention later this week.  It was so tempting to take the sable point buck again, but I decided it was more important for him to be ready to compete in Indianapolis.  Besides, I thought I had a couple of other bucks that were looking nice.

My broken buck won Best of Breed in both shows. But I really didn’t expect more.  There were a lot of very nice rabbits at the show yesterday.

BIS A (2)

Show A, my broken senior buck is selected Best in Show by Judge Josh H!  Betty’s English Angora is RBIS.  Note that we have both won again one week later but with different rabbits!

BIS b (2)

Show B, my broken buck takes BIS again.  Juan and his Mini Lop are selected RBIS by Judge Melissa.

I guess I like this hobby after all!

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