Monday, April 25, 2011

More Nationals 2011


On Friday, the show room was just starting to fill as exhibitors came to load Fuzzies into the coops.  Christina is playing with Natalee, Parker and Stuart.


The American Fuzzy Lop club booth was decorated with the award quilts, and a great silent auction.


Show day (Saturday) was busy but there was still time to talk to old friends (Lisa B, Mia B, Shari A, Sherry H, and Carol G)


Nate B, Muriel K, Diana K work on the paperwork of the show.  Great team!


Christina G, Irving, and Marian S watch the judging.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

AFLRC National Show Recap

IMG_0880The National show weekend started out looking like this and I really wanted to give you minute-by-minute updates this year.  But once that train started rolling, there was no time to write or post to a blog. 


Here is my first view of the mountains with snow as I head west to Reno.  (Yes, I did take this photo while driving, but I did not talk on my phone at the same time!).

By now many of you have heard who won but nothing tells the story better than photos. 


Our judges were Deb Dyer-Pagel and Kevin Stanford.  There were 46 American Fuzzy Lops shown in youth and the winners were:

  • Solids
    • Senior buck Ella Todd
    • Senior doe  Hayley Cowles, BOV and BOSB
    • Junior buck Sarah Compton, BOSV
    • Junior doe Dalton Kelman
  • Brokens
    • Senior buck Madison Todd, BOV and BOB
    • Senior doe Hayley Colwes, BOSV
    • Junior buck Madison Todd
    • Junior doe  Dalton Kelman
  • Best wool Dalton Kelman
  • Best display Dalton Kelman


In open there were 152 Fuzzies shown.  The results were:

  • Solids
    • Senior buck, Shari Albrecht, BOSV
    • Senior doe, Carol & Kendall Green, BOV
    • Junior buck, Nate & Stuart Burbidge
    • Junior doe, Nate & Stuart Burbidge
  • Brokens
    • Senior buck, Shari Albrecht, BOV and BOB
    • Senior doe, Valerie Uptagraft & Michelle Uptagraft-Smith
    • Junior buck, Lisa Davis & Tim
    • Junior doe, Kathy Nicholls, BOSV and BOSB

Congratulations to the winners!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

We got wool!



Photos from 2008 National show in Colorado.  This National show will be a bit more deluxe, since its in a major hotel/resort rather than a dirt floored fair barn.  But the fun will be the same!

Entries are in for the AFLRC National show for this coming weekend.  Numbers entered look very good and there are a lot of wonderful friends making the trek to Reno.

Open, 150 entered

  • Solid senior buck 20
  • Solid senior doe 29
  • Solid junior buck 15
  • Solid junior doe 11
  • Broken senior buck 25
  • Broken senior doe 20
  • Broken junior buck 19
  • Broken junior doe 10
  • Wool 28

Youth, 44 entered

  • Solid senior buck 8
  • Solid senior doe 9
  • Solid junior buck 4
  • Solid junior doe 4
  • Broken senior buck 6
  • Broken senior doe 11
  • Broken junior buck 2
  • Broken junior doe 2
  • Wool 5

Monday, April 11, 2011

National Show Entry Deadline!

Its time, its time—April 11!  Send your entries, via email to Nate B at today.  This is the deadline.  No kidding. We need to give Nate time to get the show entries in the program, print the cards and coop labels.  So sit down and send ‘em now! 


So far the numbers of rabbits entered looks very good and we are anticipating exhibitors from all over the country.  But when you sit down to enter, don’t hesitate to add just a few more.  The exhibitor who enters the most rabbits in Nationals wins one night’s hotel fee ($89).  Plus if you are traveling, you can win one night’s hotel fee for coming the most miles to Nationals.  We want to see the faces of some of our distant friends!

What about the awards for Nationals?  Just fantastic.  The quilts are gorgeous.  In fact, all the awards are really very nice.  The theme is “western” but also handmade.  You won’t believe how talented our fellow rabbit friends are!
