Monday, February 16, 2009

Barn Blind or Just Plain Can't See?

The phrase "barn blind" is used when an exhibitor just can't really see their own animals. Usually it means you can't see the faults, but it seems to me that it could also mean the opposite--that you don't appreciate the strengths in your herd either.
Last weekend I was going to a show and had entered eight rabbits. I had also been asked to bring a class of four rabbits for a youth judging contest. So Friday night after work I was going through my rabbits to find four who would behave themselves (no nipping or grunting at the kids please). I also wanted to find a class that required minimal grooming on my part; afterall it was late and I wanted to focus on the rabbits that were entered in the show. Well guess what I found in the bottom row of cages? See the picture at the top of this post. That's AK's Parker, a broken sable point doe who hadn't been to a show in months. She looked great! Who knew? I realized she was in better condition that the other three broken senior does I had entered in the show, so I switched her with one of the does I had planned to show. At the show the judges agreed with me, because Parker won Best of Breed!
Remember bend over and look at those bottom cages. There might be something good in there.