Thursday, November 1, 2007

AFL auction in Louisville

Ok Shari made the comment that she thinks we should do this again.
I'm very open to it.
I need to be reminded how we do this. Do we give a percentage to the owner and part to the club?
The last one I remember was in Portland in 1998 and it was kind of a bust if my memory serves me.
However things have changed alot.
Do we also limit the number we have in the auction? There were so many in that JW auction I had to give up! Do we replace the raffle trio with the auction or have both?


Anonymous said...

I think a Fuzzy Auction would be great :) Is there a reason that the Trio could not be done as well?
I thought the JW auction was amazing, they rolled in some serious money!
Most of those rabbits went for over $100, quite a few for $200, and a couple for over $300!!!
I agree there was quite a few of them, but I think they all sold, so the more the merrier - more money for the club :) The JW club did half to the donator and half to the club. I guess if they don't sell the donator takes them back. I did hear one donator saying she wished they could have implemented a minumum bid, however her rabbit still sold for 3X what her minimum was going to be.

Nicole Schmitt said...

I know the Minilop Club gives the donator the choice of donating all or just part of the final selling price to the club. I believe the split, should the donator choose to do that, is 80% to the club, and 20% to the donator. It might be 70/30 - but I do know for a fact that they have the option of either splitting or donating 100%. Perhaps this is something we could look further into doing... I think it can really increase the quality of the animals donated.